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Identify functions called by a given function within a specified project folder


.called_by(fname, all_functions, pkg_env)



The name of the target function.


A character vector of all function names in the project.


The package environment where the functions are defined (e.g. global).


A data.table with two columns ("from" and "to") representing the dependencies of the target function. Returns NA if no dependencies are found.


The function identifies functions called by the target function fname within the specified package environment pkg_env. It searches for dependencies within the literal code of the function body and returns a data.table with two columns ("from" and "to") representing the dependencies. If no dependencies are found, it returns a data.table with "from" as the target function and "to" as NA.

Note: This function may potentially miss calls if they are in attributes of the closure. For example when function is defined within another function, capturing the environment of the outer function.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Identify functions called by a specific function
fname = "my_function",
all_functions = c("function1", "function2", "function3"),
pkg_env = environment())
} # }