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This function checks the properties of a transition probability array with 2 or three dimensions conform to standard expectations. That it is that each slice is: square, numeric, values are between 0 and 1 with all rows summing to 1. If a dead state is provided, it checks that the dead state -> dead state probability in each slice is equal to 1.


check_trans_prob_array(a_P, dead_state = NULL, stop_if_not = F)



The transition probability array to be checked.


character vector length 1 denoting dead state (e.g. "D")


return error messages. The default (F) returns warnings.


A message indicating whether the array passed all the checks or a warning/error message if any check failed.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
v_hs_names <- c("H", "S", "D")
n_hs <- length(v_hs_names)
a_P <- array(
  data = 0,
  dim = c(n_hs, n_hs, 1000),
  dimnames = list(v_hs_names, v_hs_names, 1:1000)
a_P["H", "S",] <- 0.3
a_P["H", "D",] <- 0.01
a_P["S", "D",] <- 0.1
a_P["S", "H",] <- 0.5

for(x in 1:1000){
  diag(a_P[,,x]) <- 1 - rowSums(a_P[,,x])

check_trans_prob_array(a_P = a_P, stop_if_not = F)
# introduce error
a_P["H", "S", 1:10] <- 0

check_trans_prob_array(a_P = a_P, stop_if_not = F)

} # }