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This function checks the properties of a markov trace conform to expectations. That it is: numeric, values are between 0 and 1 with all rows summing to 1. Also allows users to check that the dead state is monotonically decreasing (if provided)


check_markov_trace(m_TR, dead_state = NULL, confirm_ok = F, stop_if_not = F)



The markov trace to be checked.


character vector length 1 denoting dead state (e.g. "D")


if OK, return a message confirming all checks passed.


return error messages. The default (F) returns warnings.


A message indicating whether the matrix passed all the checks or an error message if any check failed.


v_hs_names <- c("H", "S", "D")
n_hs <- length(v_hs_names)
n_t <- 10

m_TR <- matrix(data = NA,
               nrow = n_t,
               ncol = n_hs,
               dimnames = list(NULL, v_hs_names))

m_TR[, "H"] <- seq(1, 0, length.out = n_t)
m_TR[, "S"] <- seq(0, 0.5, length.out = n_t)
m_TR[, "D"] <- 1 - m_TR[, "H"] - m_TR[, "S"]
check_markov_trace(m_TR = m_TR, dead_state = "D", confirm_ok = TRUE)
#> [1] "Markov Trace passed all checks."

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# the following results in an error because the trace has infeasible values
m_TR[10, "D"] <- 0
m_TR[9, "S"] <- 1
check_markov_trace(m_TR = m_TR, stop_if_not = T, dead_state = "D", confirm_ok = TRUE)

} # }